Kari Armbruster Kari Armbruster

Food Surplus is Not Waste

One of my biggest pet peeves as a professional in the food space is the term food waste. It is everywhere. Yet food is not waste. Yes, we as humans waste it. But food itself is a precious resource in every stage of its life. Even a rotting inedible banana peel has value in the food system.

Just mentally categorizing it as waste sets food up as something to be managed like trash instead of something to be commoditized like a resource. Now I know my post will probably not change the language of the billions of people who use the term food waste. BUT if you, my friend, will take a moment to rethink how you speak about surplus food, then maybe we can create a ripple.

Surplus food can feed people, feed animals, feed the planet. It has value - nutritional and monetary value. Think about that next time you pay your trash bill, how much value did you just pay someone else to take away for you?

Don’t forget no one else can contribute what you can to this world. Thank you for doing what you can!

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Kari Armbruster Kari Armbruster

Lessons from an Introverted Entrepreneur

Flowers are my happy place

When I started this business in the spring of 2022, I knew my biggest challenge would be marketing myself. I believe in my abilities. I have a proven track record of success. I know I am capable of doing the work I have set out to achieve. But as a natural born introvert, expressing this confidence is not always my strong suit. Networking is not always my favorite activity. Cold calling or following up on ignored messages are my nightmare. So you may be wondering why on earth would I ever start my own business?

I saw how these weaknesses were hurting me as a woman in the workforce every day. I understood that without forcing myself into a very uncomfortable situation where my success revolved around growing these skills, I would not be able to change fast enough to get on the path I wanted at my job.

Just over a year into my new venture, I still have a lot of growth to do but I wanted to share some of my lessons learned for my fellow introverted but highly motivated workers out there.

  1. Find your hype people. You will often hear no one is going to believe in you like you. I have found that as an introvert, many people have been wonderful vocal advocates for me when I have been afraid to do it myself. These people should have personally worked with you and understand your skill set so they are seen as trusted references for your work.

  2. Follow up the hype. When you get a meeting thanks to your hype people, make sure you bring your “a” game. Nothing is better than a good word of mouth reference.

  3. Bring a friend. Networking is tough but it is so much easier with a buddy. Make sure you open your conversation to others but it is so much easier to put off friendly energy when you are at ease with someone you know.

  4. There is no such thing as too much coffee (or tea). A quick intro over coffee is a simple request and a minimal commitment from the other party. Pick up their tab and make sure to thank them for their time!

  5. Give yourself grace. Starting a new business or going for a new role at work or whatever your goal is in stretching yourself is NOT easy work. It is okay take a break from it and give yourself some time to reset. This is a journey and you can take your time. Set realistic goals and check in with yourself to make sure you aren’t pushing too hard.

Now that I’ve given you all my energy and thoughts, I’m off to recharge with a large cup of coffee and some alone time with my dogs. Don’t forget that no one can contribute what you can to this world. Thank you for doing what you do!

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